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Here was another interesting story that Shri Nathji wrote on the above theme. A man was fond of eating meat, and so his wife regularly kept two kilograms of meat in the house for him.
One day while the man was out working, the wife felt intensely hungry and she ate the meat she had kept for her husband. When her husband returned home late from work and asked for food, she was afraid to tell him what she had done. The man insisted that his meat be given to him urgently, and his wife trembled with fear and said:
The cat has eaten the meat! You know how naughty it is! There it is! Shoo! Shoo! Go away from the kitchen!
The man looked his wife firmly in the eye and immediately suspected that she was telling a lie. He caught the cat in his hands and brought out a weighing scale. He placed the cat on the weighing scale.
The weight of the cat was two kilograms.  He asked his wife how much meat there had been in the house. And his wife said Two kilograms!
The man began to laugh, and said: The weight of this cat is two kilograms! This means that either this cat does not exist and there is only the meat, or else there is only the cat and there is no meat within him!
Thus it was that man could either think only of God without the Universe or else think only of the Universe without God! There was either God and no Universe, or else there was only the Universe and no God!
However, since the Universe was dead matter, which could not have created itself, nor could any man living within it have created it, it became necessary to think of God as the Creator of the Universe.
The act of creating merely consisted in God willing that the veil of the Universe appear over Him. And it was to remove that veil that all the endeavours of man existed; it was in that search that his spiritual progress and final union with God lay.