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Over the years Mrs. Bhutt came to see Shri Nathji’s hand working everywhere in the world. In the year 1945, Mrs. Gangabai Bhutt had a vision that showed the struggle between the forces of light and the forces of darkness on the astral plane. She saw a dreadful spectre of evil astride a black horse who was pouring forth destruction upon the earth. It was Hitler who had unleashed the Second World War upon humanity. Suddenly the skies parted and a Being as radiant as the Sun, came down from the heavens, astride a white horse. It was Shri Nathji. Even as Shri Nathji’s light fell upon the spectre of evil , it was reduced to ashes. Mrs. Bhutt woke up to read in the newpapers that Hitler had been defeated and that only his ashes were found. She knew that Shri Nathji had saved the world.