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A man ‘Yogiraj’ comes from Kanpur, and is totally overwhelmed at Shri Nathji’s personality. The man is a yoga teacher and had thought of himself as spiritually advanced. However, the moment he comes before Shri Nathji, a transformation comes over him. He had never even imagined that such a personality could exist in the world. He closes his eyes and bows his head for a long time at the inner window.“Keep my picture in your heart and meditate upon it!”Priya Nath had never liked yogis, sadhus and mahatmas. He had always thought of them as egoistic and inauspicious. He recollected how Mateshwari had once fed a sadhu in the house at Savitri Nivas, and that very day their dog had died. It appeared to Priya Nath as if these men in ochre robes brought ill luck, ‘manhoosiyat’, wherever they went.