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Priya Nath celebrated the 100th Birth Anniversary of Shri Nathji in the verandah of Savitri Nivas.“You have been especially blessed by Shri Nathji in the 20th century by His “A Hundred years have elapsed since Shri Nathji came upon this planet earth. If you do not change even now – what will be the use of these hundred years! “YAA TO AAP MERE BAN JAAYIYE–AUR YAA PHIR MAIN AAPKAA BAN JAAOONGAA!The effect of Priya Nath’s voice was electrifying. The devotees felt a change come about in their hearts, as if they had been purged of their sins. In the days that followed all of them became more and more loyal and faithful, helping wholeheartedly in the spread of Shri Nathji’s mission.