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Shri Nathji’s personality exemplified the definition of the Avatar of God upon earth. Here he was in his human form involved apparently in the mundane affairs of everyday life–and there he was everywhere in the Cosmos, in every corner of the Universe in His Infinite, Invisible Self.“The Avatar of God is limited and unlimited at the same time. While He exists in human form, He still retains his Infinitude. It is like the wave which has the Ocean behind it, or the Ray of the Sun which reveals the Sun. The limited form of the Avatar is like the air inside an open glass which is part of the ocean of air, the atmosphere, outside; when the glass breaks, the air inside, which was always a part of the atmosphere, becomes one with its larger self, the atmosphere. In a like manner for as long as the limited human form exists, God enters into it as a limited soul, but when the human form disappears the soul of God becomes one with its Infinite Self.