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There was the time when Shri Nathji spoke to a gathering of Jewish people. Priya Nath wondered what Shri Nathji would say, for he had never heard him speak on Judaism before. But Shri Nathji spoke magnificently on the theme of suffering, using the Jewish prophet Jobe as an example.
Misery upon misery was heaped upon him. It was a test that God had in store for His devotee. Shri Nathji ended the sermon with the saying: Thy Will be done! It was as if he had used Christianity to interpret Judaism or vice versa. Both the Christians and Jews, amongst his listeners were greatly satisfied.
Shri Nathji had already made a great impact on Dr.Herman Winick and Benjamin Mandel and Seymour Swtzoff all of whom were Jews. And Shri Nathji had said: “Jews are the jewels of the garland of God!”