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During this period, Shri Nathji walked through the Campus of Harvard. He also attended the commencement-convocation ceremony-of the University in June 1964.
Standing in the Harvard quadrangle below the statue of John Harvard, the founder of the University, Shri Nathji gave his blessings to all the new graduates, as well as the professors and students who were gathered on the lawns. The soul of John Harvard the founder of the University was blessed in an invisible way by Shri Nathji.
Shri Nathji’s blessings went out without fanfare. They were the silent feelings of God towards His children. The students and teachers of Harvard who saw Shri Nathji, gave him a passing, but respectful glance. Harvard had admitted God into its midst.
Harvard was to retain its reputation as the finest university in the whole world in the years to come, due to the unseen blessings that Shri Nathji left behind.
Shri Nathji also walked through the halls and corridors of the famous M.I.T., The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and left his blessings there for posterity. The scholars and scientists who came to these institutions would be doubly privileged. Not only had these institutions the finest of academic achievements to their credit, but they had also been blessed with the physical presence of God.