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Some persons suggested that Roorkee University would be the best for Pran Nath because of his great aptitude and inventive genius in electrical engineering. And Shri Nathji went along with Pran Nath to Roorkee.
It was already late by the time they reached Roorkee. The University was a vast place and Shri Nathji did not know where to begin making enquiries. By the time they had obtained the necessary prospectus and other information, it was already dark. It had now become necessary to stay the night at Roorkee.
As Shri Nathji and Pran Nath walked along the lanes of Roorkee University, Shri Nathji stopped a passer-by and asked him where they could find lodgings for the night.
The passer-by happened to be the Vice Chancellor of Roorkee University, Shri A.N. Khosla.
He was so impressed by Shri Nathji’s personality that he immediately invited Shri Nathji to stay with him for the night! It was a rare honour accorded by the head of the institution to a total stranger–except for the fact that the stranger was none other than Shri Nathji!
Once at his residence, Shri Khosla was deeply touched by Shri Nathji’s words and called his wife and children to take Shri Nathji’s darshan and blessings. He listened with rapt attention to every word that Shri Nathji said and developed a great respect for him. He was a man with a pure heart and so he perceived the divinity of Shri Nathji.
It was too late for Pran Nath to sit for the Roorkee University examination, but Shri Khosla said he would write to the principal of the Pilani Engineering College to see whether he could accommodate Pran Nath.
In the night, Shri Nathji and Pran Nath ate along with Shri Khosla and his family. The Vice Chancellor was anxious that hot chapattis-phulkaas  be offered to Shri Nathji, and he would call out every now and then to his servant who was in the kitchen: “Phulkaa raarr ke laanaa! Roast the phulkaa well!”
Shri Nathji never forgot those affectionate words of the Vice Chancellor.
It was a measure of Shri Nathji’s blessings that Shri A.N. Khosla rose to great heights of eminence in the country in the years that followed.