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Shri Nathji stayed at Minerva Grand Hotel in Kulri, Mussoorie, during those days of May, June, July and August 1941. He had booked rooms 5 and 6. His birthday was celebrated at Mussoorie on the 23rd of June. It was an unusual birthday celebration in which Mateshwari was not present, because she was at Dehra Dun looking after things there. For a while Prem Nath was with Shri Nathji at Mussoorie, and this was also another reason why Mateshwari did not wish to be at Mussoorie, so that the atmosphere could remain unvitiated.
Mateshwari often wondered why Shri Nathji had to stay in a hotel when there were so many Rajas and Maharajas and Nawabs that knew him in Mussoorie. In a letter to Shri Nathji from Dehra Dun, Mateshwari refers to Raja Diwakar Prasad of Kasmanda, the Bery Brothers of Calcutta, and Nawab Sahib, influential persons, all, who were in Mussoorie at that time. But it was Shri Nathji’s wish that he take no service – sewa – from the rich and powerful, so that he could give the poor a chance to serve him, so that they would thereby gain material and spiritual wealth as a reward for their services.
Shri Nathji often used to say: Agar Rama vanvaas na hotaa to laakhon kaa kalyaan na hotaa!
“If Lord Rama had not gone into banishment thousands would never have received salvation at his hands.
Bhagwan Rama agar chaahate to ghar baithe Ravana ko maar dete– magar phir Ramayana na banti!
“If Lord Rama had willed he could have destroyed Ravana while sitting at his home – but then no Ramayana would have been made.
Thus it was that Shri Nathji interacted with the humanity around him, with only one purpose in mind – to grant salvation to them. Had Shri Nathji not gone to the Minerva Grand Hotel, the passengers living in the hotel would never have obtained his darshan nor been granted his blessings. Every single action of Shri Nathji, every travail or difficulty that he allowed to come upon himself, was designed for that purpose.
The Remington Typewriter
While Shri Nathji was at Minerva Grand Hotel, he met an acquaintance of Gopal Kasera who was also staying at the hotel. The man received an inkling of inner sight from Shri Nathji and developed devotion in him. He had purchased a Remington brand typewriter on instalments and he transferred the typewriter in Shri Nathji’s name. Shri Nathji later paid the instalments and became its owner. The typewriter was a divine instrument on which Shri Nathji typed thousands of words for the salvation of humanity. He typed in a miraculous manner – with only one finger of the left hand.
He could not use his right arm which was in great pain.  It was a measure of Shri Nathji’s benevolence that Remington became the leading typewriter manufacturing company in the world.
This happened whenever Shri Nathji used any product of science–all at once that product became the most famous in the world as a measure of the blessings it received from Shri Nathji.
It was thus that science served Shri Nathji in any way that it could, becoming an instrument for salvation in his divine hands.
Of course there were many occasions when either Gopal Kasera or Shyam Lal Kasera would type out letters dictated by Shri Nathji, but for the most part Shri Nathji typed himself in only the manner God could have typed.