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During these days, a boyhood friend of Priya Nath, Anil Kapoor, comes to visit Shri Nathji. He had played games with Pran Nath and Priya Nath at Savitri Nivas, Mussoorie, when all of them were studying together at Allen Memorial Boys’ High School. In later years he had maintained contact with Priya Nath and Shri Nathji. He, along with his family, came to visit Shri Nathji in September 1987. He went into Shri Nathji’s bedroom where Shri Nathji embraced Anil Kapoor for a long time. A strange thrill ran through Anil Kapoor’s soul. He said later to Priya Nath:“A strange feeling overwhelmed me when Pitaji embraced me. Such great love and emotion filled my heart that I was going to break out into tears. I have never felt this way before – not even when my parents used to embrace me. The feeling remained with me all through the evening. My son noticed a glow on my face. It was a Divine Light. I have never had this feeling before in my life!”Shri Nathji had given a part of His Divine Touch to Anil Kapoor.“My driving license had never been checked by anyone for 30 years – while everyone in Delhi had his car stopped by the police and his license checked at some time or the other. One day I looked at my driving license and found that there was a photograph of Pitaji on top of it, in my purse! That explained the miracle!”The manner in which Shri Nathji had chosen to reveal Himself to Shashi Ramesh’s Brother-in-law and Shashi Ramesh herself as well as numerous others, was the manner in which God always revealed Himself.“You can see the Sun only with the light of the Sun. Arjun saw the Shri Nathji also used to quote Christ who had said: “WHEN I PASS BY, ALL MY CHILDREN KNOW ME!”