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Alok Chand Sharma meets a Pandit of great repute who tells him that it is written that the Avatar of God in the 20th century shall have a permanent injury in his right arm, and will take the illnesses of others upon his own body! “You have met the Avatar who will give you salvation!”It is apparent that Mrs. Sharma’s cooking for Shri Nathji was the excuse He had sought to grant the Sharmas salvation.“Raihmate Haq bahaa nami joyad“The Grace of God does not seek a Price,Alok Chand Sharma’s friends tell him that his face lights up every time he speaks of Shri Nathji. His friends marvelled at Shri Nathji’s method of reform and said:“Only God is capable of such ways!”A.C. Sharma had told his friends of the Rai Bahadur who used to frequent Shri Nathji’s darbaar in the 1930’s – as narrated in the Advent of the Avatar.“I come to your darbaar in a drunken state! I am addicted to wine!”Shri Nathji replied: “Congratulations! Rai Bahadur! You come here after drinking wine to hear the name of God. There are people who don’t bother to come to hear the name of God even after drinking milk!”“Sir,” said the Rai Bahadur, “order me to stop drinking!”“No” said Shri Nathji, “I won’t do that. You are addicted to the habit since 20 years and won’t be able to obey my order. Once you have disobeyed me you will be afraid to come before me – and I will lose the chance of reforming you! “Bayaa ai sheikh dar khumkhaanaye maaO Sheikh! Come to my drinking Tavern, The Rai Bahadur soon, thereafter, gave up the habit of drinking wine and became an ardent devotee of Shri Nathji.