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Kaddoo narrated how a very famous mahatma had come to their home at Allahabad with his followers. One of his disciples was a famous ‘kirtanist’, a singer of hymns, and a guru in his own right. The disciple looked at the portrait of Shri Nathji in the room–in which Shri Nathji looked like a wealthy Maharaja, a man of the world, standing bare-headed in a dark achkan, white chooridaars and well-polished shoes. The thought crossed the disciple’s mind: “How can such a suave, fashionably dressed person be a saint or a holy man?”“Has any adverse thought crossed your mind regarding Shri Nathji?”The disciple admitted his sinful thought. “Shri Nathji, whose photograph is on the wall is one whose bathroom water I am willing to drink! He is God Himself!”Priya Nath, in turn, narrated what Colonel Kewal Kishan’s guru had to say about Shri Nathji: “Shri Nathji looked at me with his dark glasses on – and I felt I was in another world! I wonder what would have happened to me if He had removed his glasses!”