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A letter arrives from Major General V.K.Madhok from Poona, in which he writes to Shri Nathji:“Your Grace and Blessings have always been with me ever since I met you at Mussoorie and have made difficult situations easy in life!”Major General Madhok was only a major in the army when he first met Shri Nathji at Mussoorie in the 1950’s. Shri Nathji would pour out his Divine Grace upon him. Shri Nathji had a high regard for men of the armed forces. He used to say:“People walking on the spiritual path must learn two things from military men–the first is discipline, and the second is obedience!”Shri Nathji had, in the past, often quoted from Lord Tennyson’s poem, “The Charge of the Light Brigade” in which a drunken officer gave a wrong command to six hundred men under him, to charge an army of thousands. The soldiers obeyed his command blindly even though they knew that he was wrong. As Shri Nathji would quote:“There is not to make reply,This was a variation of Shri Nathji’s famous Biblical quotation:“Thy will be done”