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Shri Nathji is feeling weak again as he meets visitors. There is Naresh Saigal and his wife who come for Shri Nathji’s Blessings on their wedding anniversary. Later, there is Kamla Rijumal – who comes without her husband – for Shri Nathji’s Blessings, on her wedding anniversary. Shri Nathji remains very concerned that her husband has not come with her. She says he is ill.“The piece of mis-shapen wood saw a beautiful wooden statue and prayed to the sculptor to carve it also into such a shape. The sculptor warned the piece of wood that it would be a painful process, and, once he began, he would not stop until he had finished. It was a story Shri Nathji had written at great length in his famous book: “Atma Vijay Part II” – calling it the story of the ‘lakrri’, the piece of wood, and the ‘barrhayi’, the carpenter.“It wasn’t such a good tune, but appreciated by Pitaji all the same. He never criticizes anything that I do – while I am critical of everything that he does. It is only HIS GOODNESS and LOVE. He is the best and most loving person existing in the world today – God upon earth, no doubt.”Shri Nathji often used to say:“I have two faults in me: firstly I cannot see the faults of others, and, secondly, I cannot bear to see the misery of others!”Shri Nathji puts on his new bright red sweater and keeps it on the whole day long. It looks even more beautiful on him. Both, Priya Nath and Shri Nathji, agree that they have never seen such a beautiful red colour in their lives!