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The recitations from ‘Zahoore Haqueeqat’ are carried out daily in the house by Ramesh Sharma and Shri Nathji enjoys every word of what he had written in 1932 in chaste Urdu and Persian, which had been brought into Hindi script by the combined efforts of Shri Narsikar and Atma Ram Godbole in Maharashtra.“Babaji do you know why you are so ill? Indra, the head of the gods fears you might take over his throne, and he has cast this illness upon you to halt your spiritual progress!”Shri Babaji said to the Sadhu:“Tell Indra, he need not worry, for I have no desires for his throne. Indeed, I have no desires for anything in the world. I have gone beyond Indra’s throne and have no need for it. Soon thereafter Shri Babaji became well.