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Shri Nathji refuses to take any more diuretics. He feels better and stronger without the diuretics and his mental toxicity disappears. “Shri Nathji is the greatest spiritual personality – and there is no one like him in the whole world. Others have great wealth, pomp and show – but no one has the spirituality that Shri Nathji possesses!”There is Kishen, the electrician, the brother of Vishal, who miraculously secures the divorce in court, which he had wanted from a very unhappy marriage He had asked for Shri Nathji’s Blessings. Priya Nath had added the words, “Best of Luck”, on that occasion. It was indeed, the man’s luck that he was able to secure Shri Nathji’s Blessings.“Where two hearts have united, there can be no divorce, but where two hearts have not united, there is divorce even when they are living together.”Priya Nath suggests that Shri Nathji “practise” lecturing, as he has not spoken at length for long periods, for almost a month now. And Shri Nathji “obediently” does as advised by Priya Nath.