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On December 11, with the coming of the video camera, an entirely new chapter opens in Priya Nath’s life. “Camere “The camera has brought great happiness.”In later days, Priya Nath shoots as many films of Shri Nathji in as many moods, poses, and dresses as is possible. “You can see everything in a photograph, except the photographer who shot the film! His absence in the photograph is proof of his existence! In a like manner you can see everything in the world except the Creator of the world! His physical absence in the world is proof of His Existence!”Although the films are not too bright because of improper lighting, yet they are tremendously enjoyed by Priya Nath and Shri Nathji. It is a small handy, home video camera being used in the house of God.“Science is decorating the world of God!” There could be no better decoration than capturing glimpses of the Creator as a human being in the midst of His Creation.