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Later, Shri Nathji and Priya Nath watch ‘Samachar Diary’ on Television on Monday June 25, which shows Shri Nathji and Priya Nath at FICCI Hall conducting the World Prayer Day. “Numerous copies should be made of it and circulated all over the world!”Shri Nathji enjoys the ghazals sung by Priya Nath as recorded on the video film. It is a very pleasant night on Monday the 25th of June. Both Shri Nathji and Priya Nath are in a state of great happiness. Priya Nath had not thought that such days would ever come again, but Shri Nathji had done it for him once more.“When an actor’s part on the stage is over, he bows out, but if the audience cries, ‘Once more!’ he has to come again!”