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There is Shri M.K. Das of Allahabad who comes for Shri Nathji’s darshan and listens to his sermon. As he leaves, no ‘prasaad’ of cardomoms is available in the house, and hence no cardomoms are given to him. “I knew this would happen. Back at Allahabad, when we devotees were talking about Shri Nathji’s miracles, I had refused the cardamoms offered by the others!”M.K. Das had a very unique devotion in Shri Nathji. He had written in a letter to Shri Nathji:“You are in my heart all the time. No matter where I am, and no matter what I do, your face remains before my mind’s eye always. Whenever I eat any food that is tasty, I think of you and wish that I could offer it to you, whenever I see anything that is beautiful, I feel that it comes from you. My entire life, from the morning till the night is filled only with you! You are truly God upon earth! The One and Only God in the Universe!”