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At one point Priya Nath breaks out into tears, not knowing what to do, and Shri Nathji has to console him with his soothing words:“Shri Nathji looks exceedingly beautiful in his pink kerchief as he says these words to Priya Nath, which mean:“You are the only one who is looking after me. If you worry so much who will look after me? If anything happens to your health there is no one here to care for me. You must understand that if you go down, it will have a very adverse effect upon me.Shri Nathji adds:“General Health“One must look at the General Health. And keep a very cheerful atmosphere!”Tears come into Priya Nath’s eyes as he sees Shri Nathji walk with weak, faltering steps. Despite the confused treatment the doctors are giving him, Shri Nathji says to one of them:“I am very grateful to you for looking after me so well. Tell me what I can do for you!”Priya Nath, however, meticulously pays the doctors their fees. Shri Nathji had always said: “Doctor“One must always give a doctor his fees. It makes the illness go away!”Priya Nath is strangely silent over the first two weeks of September 1991 and composes but little music. He tells Shri Nathji that each time there is an atmosphere of joy in the house some Evil Spirits strike. “Bajaao aur ghazalen taake nikaalen inhen!“Play more ghazals – to get them out!”