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During this time, visitors and devotees keep coming, amongst which are Shri Prabhat Jhingan and others from Allahabad, and Dr. K.N. Saxena from Kenya. In a moment of revelation Shri Nathji says to Dr. Saxena:“ALL OF NATURE WILL HAVE TO OBEY ME! IT MUST OBEY ME WHEN I ASK IT TO COME TO THE AID OF MY DEVOTEE! Fortunately, Priya Nath recorded this important lecture on a video cassette at home which had a half hour’s length left in it. The statement is preserved for posterity. It was very meaningful for Dr. Saxena, who, three years later, found himself faced with one of the greatest perils of his life in the form of a dangerous illness – which was miraculously cast aside by Shri Nathji’s Divine Power.“Kyoon ham se ho gurezaan jaane jahaan ho tum“Why art Thou hiding Thyself from me – Thou, the Life of the World!”The second ghazal is:“Gul ki shokhee ishqe bulbul baagbaan hairaan hai“The glory of the Rose and the Love of the Nightingale fill the gardener with wonder”There is Shri Nathji writing a long article in English on sheets of paper kept on a wooden writing board. Priya Nath never gets the opportunity to read these papers, which lie scattered all over the room or are kept in a cardboard box by Priya Nath.