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Even though He is bothered by gas risings and fatigue, He feels that He must positively carry out the recording of the third part of his video film on ‘A Game of Chess,” on Wednesday March 18, 1992 itself.“Too much knowledge “Too much knowledge is not good. Nothing was wrong. If too much fluid had been lost till this morning, we could have taken salt or potassium.”Shri Nathji did not say “Half-knowledge can be dangerous”, instead He said: “Too much knowledge is not good”. He is too loving and too good to ever say anything harsh to Priya Nath and never contradicts him, doing so occasionally only to allay his fears about His health. “O Lord, Thou hast saved us again. O Lord, I tormented myself and Pitaji unnecessarily all evening long. Please forgive me for doubting Thy Mercy and Grace.”