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Later Priya Nath plays the recording for Shri Nathji. The piano music is too loud and Shri Nathji has some difficulty hearing the words of the ghazal. When Priya Nath expresses dismay at the recorded ghazal, Shri Nathji suggests Priya Nath make another recording the next day. “I have two weaknesses: I never see the faults of any person, and I cannot bear to see anyone in sorrow.”In the night, Shri Nathji and Priya Nath come inside the bedroom where Shri Nathji falls asleep, first with one leg over the upraised knee of the other, and later with both knees upraised. “Sonaa“Sone kiIt was a chain that Shri Nathji had never removed, ever since the days of Shri Babaji Maharaj in the early 1930’s. “Piyaji bhook lagi hai. Pyaas bhee lagi hai.“Piyaji I am hungry, and there also appears to be thirst.”Priya Nath gives Him his usual tea and biscuits. Shri Nathji’s pulse, while resting, is 67-68-70, which is good, and slow and regular; however, Priya Nath detects irregularities as Shri Nathji moves about for micturition and back to bed. Priya Nath realises that the dreaded Hydra of the irregular pulse is ever present, and this frightens him again.““It is my habit to commit one folly after another,There was also the famous Punjabi saying of a devotee:“ Sadaa sadaa hi pullanhaar,“We are perpetually sinning,Priya Nath places himself in the category of a person perpetually “sinning”.