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Pitaji is sad about the fact that there are no heirs after Pran Nath and myself to carry on the line, and that Babaji’s ‘“Hazaaron rupayon kaa saamaan sarr rahaa hai. Koyi dekhne vaalaa naheen.”I had recollections of Pitaji telling me one day, in the years past, that it was a strange thing that the Avatars did not leave behind heirs who would continue their line. Lord Rama had given birth to Lav and Kush–but there was no one after them. Lord Krishna had given birth to a son, Pradyumana, but there was no one after him. In fact Lord Krishna had obliterated the entire Yadav ‘“Ab Ujwal hone kaa vakt aane vaalaa hai!However the thought of an heir was the furthest from my mind at the time. I was more concerned about the output, and rejoiced in the quantity – about 400 cc voided by 1:30 am, which was far beyond my expectations, with 8 hrs still to go till 9:30 am, when I would make the final counts for 24 hours of the output. The likelihood of 500 cc more bringing the total to 900 cc appeared very good.1. Please make Thy heart so strong that Thou can walk 80-100 Rounds again in the big room.2. Please make THY legs so strong that Thou can walk around without any help.3. Please, O Lord, let the cough and sputum disappear from THY system altogether, thus giving a lie to the predictions of all doctors.4. O Lord, please get rid of the dreaded Hydra of Supraventricular tachycardia – the fast pulse – as also the sinus tachycardia on exertion, that plagues THY system.5. O Lord, please keep THY Body on earth, of Pitaji, well and healthy and happy in every possible way. O Dear, Dear, Pitaji, please save us and help us. I have taken refuge in Thee. O Lord, please save us and help us, we take refuge in THEE – It is 1:45 am. AMEN.