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Priya Nath’s diary for Thursday begins with his notes:O LORD, a countless, countless thanks for a Thursday well passed.Shri Nathji discussed the Eosinophilia and the occasional fast pulse on walking, and complained bitterly about the rough-handling by Dr. Bawa. I’m writing this on late Thursday night – or early Friday morning. O Lord, Pitaji had re-assured me that He would remain well, and it gave me some courage. He had said yesterday night –“NOTHING CAN DESTROY ME!” – And I had embraced Him telling Him I lived only for His sake and had no attachment to anyone else.“AAP TOBut I know I am far from being close to God.O LORD, please make Pitaji recover His original strength again; O Dear, Dear, Lord.O Dear, Dear Lord please save us and help us. I won’t be able to concentrate on this year’s birthday function at all, O Dear, Dear Lord – unless Thou makest Pitaji well again. O Lord, please save us and help us. We seek refuge in Thee! We seek refuge in Thee – Only Thou canst make the impossible possible. O Lord, please save us and help us. AMEN. It’s 2:32 am.