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Priya Nath recounted the meeting of Shri Nathji with the lawyer of the Calcutta High Court who was an agnostic and who said to Shri Nathji:“What need do we have to know of God?”Shri Nathji in turn asked him:“What need do you have to eat food?”And Shri Nathji added:“Similarly, the sorrows of the world force man to seek God!“Duniyaan ke dukh majboor karte hain ke ham Bhagwan ko jaanen!”The agnostic said:“Sir, you said thirst forces one to water. But I am not thirsty at present. When thirst comes to me I shall go and dig a well.“Jab pyaas lagegee to kuaan khod loongaa!”And Shri Nathji said:“Vakeel Sahib, mujhe aapki“Vakeel Sahib,The agnostic was taken aback and a brief moment of realization came to him. He said to Shri Nathji:“You are right, Sir! A thirsty man will not have the strength to dig a well. What must one do, then?”And Shri Nathji said his historical words:“Jab pyaas naheen to kuaan khoden, “Dig a well when you are not thirsty, and drink from it when thirst comes to you!”“Do not wait for those agonizing moments of sorrow when you will have to cry out to God. You must establish a relationship with Him beforehand, so that when you call out to Him, you will receive an answer.”These historical episodes from Shri Nathji’s life were parables that brought Spirituality to the Modern World in a context they could easily understand.