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Vijay Joshi was the husband of Usha, the daughter of the late Shri G.G. Urhekar. Joshi’s faith and devotion had taken on a new dimension ever since the birthday of 2004. In the past he was ever discontent, running from one job to another, until Priya Nath had said to him:“Joshiji, for how long will you go on running after money and a higher salary? You have left Nagpur where you were earning 15,000 for Bombay where you are earning 20,000, and then you will leave for another place, which offers 30,000, and later to another place, which offers 100,000. But then l lakh is less than one crore, and you will run to that place which offers one crore, and then to other places that offer ten crores and a hundred crores etc., etc. – and it is thus that you will find no peace in any state, but will fritter away your life in the pursuit of money!“Remember, even then you may not be able to accumulate as much wealth as Alexander the Great. When he lay on his deathbed at the age of 32, he said to his courtiers and ministers: ‘When you take out my funeral procession in the streets, you may cover my entire body with a white sheet, but let my hands not be covered, so that the people of the world will look upon these hands–and know that the hands of Alexander the Great, which sought to possess the whole world, are today going away empty!’“There was a Raja, who came to Shri Nathji asking him for his blessings so that his income could go up from one crore to two crores. Insaan ke shikam seri az yak naan ast“The stomach of man is filled with by one ‘“Shri Nathji gave the example of a man who had an empty glass in his hand and was beset upon by intense, unbearable thirst. The man rejected a jug of water, saying it was not enough for his immense thirst, he rejected a well, as well as a pond, and then even a river. He wanted more. Finally, he came to the ocean and said: ‘At last I have found a large quantity of water–this will surely quench my thirst!’‘I am content with what God has given me as my share“As also the more profound:“I am convinced there is no condition higher than that silence which comes of the abandonment of all latent desires.”Priya Nath’s sermon was intended for the younger generation of people who had no aim left in life, other than the collection of money and material possessions.