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Priya Nath watches with tears in his eyes the familiar figure of Shri Nathji getting ready for bed at night after the removal of his turban, standing by the side of his bed and unfolding the turban and then folding it neatly again, as if it had been pressed. It was a routine that Shri Nathji had followed all his life. Even as he unfolded the cloth and then folded it again, allowing it to run between his fingers, there appeared to be a faraway expression on his face. He would frequently belch while being engrossed in this work if the dinner had produced indigestion. There were even times when Shri Nathji would discuss matters of importance with Priya Nath while unfolding and folding the turban. Shri Nathji often felt that it was an excellent exercise for his arms before retiring for the night.