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Priya Nath begins to feel that even as Shahjahan had made the Taj Mahal, out of his love for his wife, Mumtaz Mahal, he would make the World Prayer Temple, out of his love for Shri Nathji, and that it would be a monument which would remind the world of the time that God came down upon earth in human form in the twentieth century as Shri Nathji.YE TEMPLE UNIVERSALYeEnglish TranslationThe Temple Universal brings before us the Day of Peace,
The tune that Priya Nath composes for the ghazal is acclaimed by Shri Nathji to be one of the best tunes that Priya Nath has ever composed.Ye shamaa jal rahi hai taake parvaane vahaan aayenThis flame is burning so that the moths may come to it