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Shri Nathji praises the loyalty of the little sweeperess – a certain Bimla – who swept the house when she was ten years old. When she was married at the age of 16, in 1973 Shri Nathji had personally escorted her to the gate of His house as if giving His daughter away in marriage. He had tears in his eyes when Bimla left. He had later sent Veeran Devi and Mrs. Bahl in two cars laden with fruits, clothes, and gifts for the bride. Such was the Great Love of the Grand Creator for His Creation. “Yehi Bhilnee thhee Ramayana men!”“She was the Bhilnee of the Ramayana!”Shri Nathji was reliving the past, when hundreds of years ago he had come down upon earth as Lord Rama and had eaten the berries that Bhilnee gave him to eat – which she had tasted first, to ensure their sweetness.“Manushya mazdoori deth haikyon raakhe Bhagwan”Shri Nathji had always said:“When man pays for services rendered, Why should God not recompense!”Shri Nathji praises Bimla’s loyalty as she comes before Him in July 1986 and prays that, above all else, Shri Nathji must get well soon. She was very concerned about Shri Nathji and Priya Nath living all alone, despite the number of visitors and devotees. She had also noted with sadness how devotees left Shri Nathji suddenly, the moment the lure of the material world became too strong for them.