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Tuesday April 8 is a bad day. Shri Nathji has a suffocation attack, which is relieved by an Isordil tablet after two or three minutes. Later at 10 a.m. there is another SOS, and finally at 2 p.m. yet another such attack. Although the attacks were relieved by the Isordil, yet they were coming again and again.“Sab ttheek haiPriya Nath who has been chastened by previous experience does not panic, and continues to give the Sorbitrate as and when required. Shri Nathji walks around the next day and says that the Sorbitrate has been much more effective and he feels much stronger now.“Abhi“Let us watch the situation more before removing Corolli.”And there is Shri Nathji sitting in his bedroom and listening to the recordings of his book of ghazals, “Jaame Bekhudi”, and enjoying every moment of it.