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Priya Nath and Shri Nathji have a divine inspiration for a – ‘World Day of Love’ – an inspiration as powerful as that of the World Prayer Day.“An atheist can deny the existence of God, but he cannot deny the existence of Love. God is Love. Without Love, life would become meaningless. Each and every atom of the Universe is vibrant with the Love of God! God is an ocean of Love and He has given a drop of this ocean to the mother – who gives birth to a child and then brings him up with the most unselfish of Love. It is the Love of God that is reflected in this selfless Love of the mother.”Shri Nathji’s motto in life had always been:“I have no mission except Love in this world, The concept of the World Day of Love remains on paper, and Priya Nath gives it a practical shape only on the 22nd of June 1987, one day before the World Prayer Day on the 23rd of June in the year 1987.