Shri Nathji had broadcast over Lahore Radio in the past in the late 1930’s when Shri Babaji Maharaj had been present in his physical frame. Shri Babaji Maharaj, who had never listened to Shri Nathji deliver a lecture, had taken the opportunity of listening to him over the radio. Even as he had listened to Shri Nathji’s voice he had said with happiness: “Wah, beta! Khush raho! Wonderful, son! May you ever be happy!”
In 1947, Shri Nathji went on the air once again. His voice went out into the atmosphere of the city in the form of radio waves that pervaded every nook and corner. It was the voice of love and peace giving consolation in advance to the hundreds and thousands who would be in need of it in the days to come.