Ram Ratan Khanna had time and again emphasized to Shri Nathji how important it was to give Pran Nath and Priya Nath a good education in the English schools that existed at Mussoorie at the time. And it was specifically on his advice that Shri Nathji and Mateshwari put the two children in Hampton Court School, which was a Catholic Convent School just below the Mall Road where it joined Jhoola Ghar. Pran Nath was a little over five years of age at the time, and Priya Nath less than four years old.
It was in the month of July 1945, that Shri Nathji and Mateshwari walked down to Hampton Court along the slope leading downwards from the Mall Road, taking the children with them on their first day to School.
The Mother Superior of Hampton Court, a certain Mother St. Clare, developed a great respect for Shri Nathji and began to revere him as a very holy personality. There was nothing in Shri Nathji’s teachings or life style that contradicted any faith or belief in the world. The children were admitted to the Lower Kindergarten class, or Lower K.G. as it was called.
Priya Nath, the younger son of Shri Nathji, could not bear to be separated from Mateshwari during the first few days of his attending school, and, therefore, Mateshwari was constrained to attend school with him for a few days, and even to sit in nursery class with him till he became accustomed to school.
This scene would be repeated at the start of every new school year. Indeed, Priya Nath always had a special attachment to Mateshwari, and, even at home, would follow her around from room to room, as if he were afraid he was going to lose her.
Sardar Basant Singh would drive the children to school in the perambulator. He would ever afterwards recall how, once, when he was driving the children in the perambulator, there was a big storm on Camel’s Back Road.
The winds became so fierce that he found walking difficult. Just then, Pran Nath, the elder son, got up in the perambulator, and, turning towards the wind, said in a loud voice:
Havaa band hojaa! O Wind–Stop!
And, just then, the wind stopped, as if miraculously halted by some divine power. Shri Nathji would never tire of recounting this episode before his devotees, especially on the birthdays of Pran Nath.
Ema, the American lady who had found faith in Shri Nathji through his book, Rays of Light, in 1932, had learnt about the birth of Pran Nath in 1940, and had written to Shri Nathji that the stars of the child showed him to be a world saviour.
Indeed, Shri Babaji Maharaj had declared him to be more powerful than him.