It was at Shadi Bhavan that Mateshwari prayed to Shri Nathji to set his divine inspirations down on paper in the language prevalent during those days–Hindustani, which was a mixture of Urdu and Hindi. Indeed, Shri Nathji had done all his writing work in Urdu and Persian till that time and had not written any book after his monumental Urdu and Persian thesis on the life and teachings of Shri Babaji Bhagwan- “Zahoore Haqueeeqat”.
Shri Nathji, who always did whatever Mateshwari asked him to do, immediately set about writing such a book. He decided that the book would run into one thousand pages, and consist of five volumes, each two hundred and fifty pages long. He decided to name the book, ATMA VIJAY– Victory over Self.
Shri Nathji’s arm, though out of danger, was not entirely healed at the time– and indeed it never healed practically all his life–and he could not impose the strain of writing continuously with it.
Just then Shyam Lal Kasera appeared on the scene and became Shri Nathji’s pen.
Sitting out in the sunshine on the small open space in front of the house, there would be Shri Nathji reclining in an armchair, his eyes closed and one of his fingers on his lips, dictating Atma Vijay, even as revelations flowed out of him. Indeed never before had such complex spiritual truths been explained with such perfect logic and reasoning as was done by Shri Nathji in a language that was remarkable for its simplicity and poetry and sheer understandibility. It was a work, which a philosopher as well as a child could understand. All of a sudden the mysteries of Vedanta became unveiled from the pen of one who had created Vedanta. Indeed for many years Shri Nathji had been known as Vedanta Bhushan–one who had supremacy in the knowledge of the philosophy of the Vedanta.
However, unlike other treatises on Vedanta, which dealt with the examples of ages past, Shri Nathji explained the complexities of Vedanta like they had never before been explained, using examples from the modern world around him.
Shri Nathji dictated Atma Vijaya I, II, III, IV, and V, to Shyam Lal, sitting in the small lawn of Shadi Bhavan on Camel’s Back Road over the years 1945-1946.