Shri Nathji did not ignore Mateshwari or his family at Cavendish Hotel. He would frequently take Mateshwari to the town, as also the boys. Since he had left the Ford car behind at Mussoorie he was using cycle rickshaws all the time.
He had also to call a Sikh army doctor for Mateshwari’s treatment, as she was frequently ill at Cavendish Hotel. The doctor had developed a great reverence for Shri Nathji and served Mateshwari to the best of his ability.
It was surprising that during those days doctors seldom advised regular blood tests to keep the diabetes under control. They judged the patient from the symptoms alone.
This had led Mateshwari’s condition to worsen over a period of time, In any case she would not have submitted to daily blood tests; and so there was no control over her diabetes other than her diet. Though she tried her best to avoid sugar but devotees would always press her to have the sweets they brought, out of love and affection, which she could not refuse.
Very soon Priya Nath had given his examination for the first year of his M.Sc., in Physics and it was the month of April 1961.
Shri Nathji had resided at Cavendish Hotel from October 1960 to April 1961. He blessed the Parsi lady who was the owner of the hotel, and paid the bill. This was to be the last time he would ever be at the place. Altogether it had been a peaceful sojourn.
Shri Nathji decided to return to Mussoorie once again for the summer months. Priya Nath still had one year of his M.Sc. to complete at Allahabad University and so they would be returning to Allahabad again in July 1961.
In contrast to missions and societies where propaganda prevailed and disciples were ever proselytising, Shri Nathji had effaced himself to such an extent that he would live in the midst of people without their being aware of who or what he was.
There were the moments when he would switch off the Divine Current and be intensely human. He would be seen engrossed in worldly affairs, as any other man of the world. He would live in a hotel if circumstances required; he would eat in a restaurant if his family insisted, or take them to the cinema or the circus, or an exhibition.