At Harry Zeltzer’s house, Shri Nathji said:
Harry, you do not know me, but I know you!
Similar words had been used by Lord Krishna for Arjuna when he said:
Arjuna, you and I have been born many times. I remember the births while you do not.
Shri Nathji used to say:
A mother can recognise her child, even if the child fails to recognise his mother. The stage of atheism is akin to the ignorance of a child. As time passes, and the child becomes aware of his surroundings, understanding begins to develop and he can call his mother: ‘Mother’!
Harry Zeltzer and his wife gave a tastefully prepared dinner to Shri Nathji and Priya Nath. After the dinner they asked Shri Nathji to sit in one of the finest chairs they had in their drawing room, which Harry Zeltzer had brought from Japan.
He thought the chair, which looked like a throne, had been made for Shri Nathji. Shri Nathji looked grand and exotic sitting on the chair, as if he was an Emperor who had come into his own.
As Shri Nathji was about to leave, Mrs. Zeltzer brought him to the bedroom door of their children.
Your Holiness, said Mrs. Zeltzer, bless our children, Lauren and Daryl. They are asleep inside.
Shri Nathji went to the door and peeped inside. The children were asleep in bed. Shri Nathji raised his hands in the air and sent his blessings to the sleeping children. Thereafter Shri Nathji blessed Harry and Lois and left their house along with Priya Nath.