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The sermon was over, but Shri Nathji’s listeners sat in silence, spell-bound. They wanted more.  And he spoke to them a second time. His words carried such power and logic that all doubts ceased to exist in the minds of his listeners.
Look at your watches, Shri Nathji said to the people, how much time has elapsed?
More than two hours had passed.   
Your watches may or may not be accurate, he continued, real time must come from that accuracy in which the Universe exists.
It appears, said his listeners, as if not a single minute has elapsed! We were totally unaware of time. Our watches were counting the seconds, but our hearts had gone beyond space and time. We were not conscious of our own selves, so lost were we in a spiritual         absorption.
And Shri Nathji said:
Even when you were not conscious of your selves there was something within you that was experiencing bliss. It was an ‘I’ that existed beyond space and time. It was an ‘I’ that had detached itself from consciousness. The experience you have been through is one of God-realisation. Where God exists time does not exist!
“That which you grasp through the intellect may be overthrown by a new argument, but that which you realise, is yours forever!
His audience was too full for words. Each person filled his vessel to the brim; those with larger vessels received a greater share than those with smaller vessels.
That God, which had existed merely in books and words, suddenly appeared before everyone as the greatest proof of Himself.
It was all due to Shri Nathji’s physical presence. He used to say many times:
The living force is greater than the force that has become extinct. If the same power has come to you in a new form, accept it. The saints, sages, prophets and avatars that existed in the past brought God to the people directly. They did their work and left. Turn your attention now to the living force of this age.
Later Priya Nath was to say to Shri Nathji,
You never spoke so beautifully in either Hindi or Urdu, as you did in English today!
The people requested Shri Nathji to sit before them while they meditated. In that little farm cottage in America, God sat before his devotees filling them with a bliss and Divine Love not found in any corner of the Universe.