Priya Nath persuaded Shri Nathji to write the biography of Mateshwari in Mussoorie. Urmil, the daughter of Vidyavati, Mateshwari’s elder sister, was at Mussoorie at the time, and was well versed in Hindi. Priya Nath thought that she would be ideal for taking down the dictation of Shri Nathji, and asked her to offer her services for the purpose. And thus it was that Shri Nathji dictated his famous work in Hindi: “Amar Jyoti” –The Eternal Flame.
On the day Shri Nathji completed dictating the biography, Amar Jyoti, there was a deafening crash in the atmosphere and a blinding, brilliant flash of light inside the room. It was neither thunder nor lightning because the sky was free of clouds. It was the living presence of Mateshwari in Savitri Nivas.
May peace and prosperity go to the readers of this sacred book, was the little slip placed inside the book after it had been printed. And it came about that whosoever read the book with faith and devotion in Mateshwari had the difficult problems of his life solved by a miracle.
There was the woman who had no child after twenty years of marriage. She read the book from page to page and was blessed with a child.
There were people who were incurably ill, whose illnesses were miraculously cured, and others in various kinds of difficulties who found a release from their sufferings when they read the book.