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Shri Nathji recalled how Mahamateshwari would be vexed at Shri Nathji’s past-time of entering shops and making purchases. The shopkeepers would invariably force their wares on Shri Nathji, who would be too soft-hearted to refuse, and would buy them at any price the shopkeepers set on them. “God says:“Would you try and deceive me? I, who have created even the deceitful!”It was Shri Nathji’s greatness that he allowed himself to be exploited by business sharks. Perhaps he allowed this to happen so as to give happiness to these people.Vaar to ochhaa parraa thhaa, gir parre ham aap seThe blow aimed at me missed, but I fell of my own accord,Indeed no one in the world could deceive Shri Nathji, yet he allowed himself to be deceived so as to give happiness to the person deceiving him.