And then at 6:45 p.m. Shri Nathji began speaking. His voice and bearing was that of a King. His lecture began very powerfully and majestically. The microphone appeared to be much better than any that Shri Nathji had ever used before, but even then it was not up to the mark and Shri Nathji had often to bend forward to speak into it.There was a mahatma who passed by the palace of a King and asked the guards at the gate:“Kaun kaihtaa hai ye musaafirkhaana naheen haiThe audience broke out into applause, with tears in the eyes of many. Shri Nathji said with great power and feeling, warning the people of the world:“LISTEN TO WHAT I HAVE TO SAY!”His voice carried an extreme urgency–not for his own sake, but for the sake of the people of the world.