Priya Nath asks Dr. Corolli to come over and see Shri Nathji and the doctor arrives in the late afternoon“Vahaan ke barre barre panditon kaa kaihnaa hai:“The learned Pundits there had this to say: Dr Corolli says the ECG is perfect. He says that the attack of breathlessness was not due to Heart Failure but that it was an attack of asthma or bronchospasm. He also says that the swelling in the legs is purely gravitational due to the veins being incompetent, and he says that if there is any water retention in the body it is not due to any heart problem but rather it is due to some neurological cause. “They get the chance of touching my feet in an indirect manner! It is to give these members of the medical profession a chance to touch my feet that I fall ill–so that they may gain salvation by this act.” After Dr. Corolli has gone, Shri Nathji and Priya Nath embrace each other with delight at the good news of the ECG being normal.“I AM LIVING FOR YOU! Priya Nath believes what Shri Nathji says, because he has seen the selfishness of the people of the world who come to Shri Nathji for their own motives, but who have no real and lasting love for him.