Shri Nathji writes a long poem on “God” in English – which, alas – is lost amongst his papers and never found again! Shri Nathji fondly recollects the little poem he had written as a child:“I have a ring, I have a ring, I have a ring!The cold weather is setting in and Shri Nathji is already wearing warm clothes. Priya Nath has purchased a small ‘Konica-pop’ camera from Ashok Bharal, the photographer, and takes as many pictures as he can of Shri Nathji. However, it never occurs to him to get the best possible camera with which to preserve the picture of God upon earth in the best possible way. These, and many other lapses on Priya Nath’s part, come about because he is totally absorbed in Shri Nathji and has cut himself off from the outside world altogether.