There is another important visitor to Delhi– Gorbachev of the U.S.S.R.! It was an aftermath of Shri Nathji’s letter to him! Shri Nathji had referred to Gorbachev as an Angel of Peace – and that, indeed, had become his image in the world. “Ai Baadshaah duniyaan ke hain mohre meri shatranj ke“O King, this world is a game of chess before mePeople welcomed Gorbachev all over the world for his efforts to eliminate nuclear weapons and to bring about world peace! Shri Nathji’s Divine Power was working through him. As Shri Nathji had said:“God can take His work from anyone He likes – even an atheist!”There is the food problem again as the new cook Sachidanand from Andhra Pradesh has gone. It appears that Shri Nathji is always to be plagued by such problems that affect his health. His dentures also give constant trouble, making chewing difficult and creating indigestion as a consequence.Nayaa saal aayaa Sattaasi mubaarikThe New Year Eighty-Seven has brought good tidings, Even as the sun sets for another day on the house of Shri Nathji and the cold winter night comes, bringing with it fog and mist, there is the sound of music ringing in the air, ushering in the New Year 1987.Bandaa Navaaz aaye, har dil ko shaad kar denThe Merciful Lord has come, to fill every heart with joy* * * * * * * * * *