There is Shri Nathji speaking to devotees at the window again. This time there are Kamla Rijumal, Ranbir Singh, and Mishra of Allahabad. After his brief talk to them he asks Priya Nath to play the ghazal:“Mere shakle gareebaanaa teraa darbaar shaahaanaa”Mishra comes with his daughter. and later there is a certain Kapoor of Allahabad who also brings his daughter. After the visitors have gone Shri Nathji speaks to Priya Nath of the necessity of his marriage and that of Pran Nath. He feels there are plenty of girls to choose from.“I want you to get married so that your affection will be divided, and not be entirely focused on me!”Shri Nathji also adds:“Nobody is immortal and life must end sometime, no matter how many drugs we may use.”But Priya Nath insists that Shri Nathji must live healthily without any physical suffering of any kind. He cannot think of “dividing” his affection. Shri Nathji was everything to him. He would never get married if it meant reducing his love for Shri Nathji.