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Priya Nath decided to leave for London immediately. He was amazed at the manner in which a bridge of helping hands appeared everywhere in America when people found out that his mother was ill. His boss Dr. Baze immediately gave him leave, saying: “Shri Nathji had been feeding her with his own hands and serving her as no nurse or doctor could have done. Just before she lost consciousness and went into a deep sleep, Shri Nathji placed a tiny morsel of a ‘chappaati’ he had made for her, with his own hands.“Why don’t you bring Mo back to life?” Shri Nathji closed his eyes and went into a deep silence for a moment. His leela was unfolding itself before his eyes. Mateshwari was destined to leave Shri Nathji in London just like Sita Maharani had left Lord Rama.