There is the day when the drain in Shri Nathji’s kitchen is clogged and has to be cleaned and Priya Nath suggests staying outside in a hotel for one day. However, they decide to simply go out of the house for a few hours and then return after taking dinner outside. They go out for dinner to the Woodlands Vegetarian Restaurant on Lodi Road, but just as they are about to return home there is a downpour of rain which clogs the roads– and Shri Nathji and Priya Nath, along with Urhekar and Sudha, have to spend the night together at Lodi Hotel.“Priyaji jo kaih dete hain vo yaa to ho raha hotaa hai aur yaa hone vaalaa hotaa hai! Unki baat ho ham bhee naa maanen to sazaa miltee hai!“Whatever Priya Nath says is either happening or is about to happen. If even I do not listen to what he says, I have to suffer the consequences!”