Priya Nath makes a historical video film of Shri Nathji, which depicts him in various dresses, on the 27th of November 1983. It is the greatest film of Shri Nathji which was ever to be made. The personality of Shri Nathji was cosmopolitan, it could be acclaimed by people of all faiths. Shri Nathji’s face was glowing with divine light on that day. It was not a film for him but a reality. His face was the most beautiful face in existence even at the age of 81 in 1983.“Kamaale husn ne pakaraa hai dil kucch iss tarah apnaa“The Glory of His Beauty has so captured our hearts,All of Shri Nathji’s ghazals were in fact descriptions about his own self. Indeed no one else could describe God except God.“Baadal sarak gaye hain jhonke se ik havaa ke“The clouds have drifted away with a puff of the airEven as the above ghazal is in progess Shri Nathji says loudly:“Satyuga aa gayaa hai!