A minor miracle occurred during the function which was held in the big room. Shri Nathji’s legs became cold, and Priya Nath rushed to the bedroom for a shawl – but he couldn’t find one in the midst of the heap of clothes usually kept in the room! This was the first time such a thing had happened. Priya Nath was worried lest Shri Nathji catch a cold. He was wondering what to do.“THE GREATEST MIRACLE IS THAT MIRACLES OCCUR HERE EVERYDAY AND YET NOBODY IS EVEN MADE AWARE OF THEM.” However, his favourite verse in Persian was:“Baa maa sukhan az kashvo karaamaat migoyad“Speak not to me of miracles,Amongst those present on the occasion were, to name a few: Chaman Lal Magoo and his wife from Ghaziabad, Navneet Lal Talwar and his wife; his son, Manoj, Damyanti and Neelam Chopra, Madhu Bahl, Alok Chand Sharma and his wife along with their two children, Ashok Bharal, the photographer who took a large number of photographs of Shri Nathji from different angles, then there was Dr. Muley of the NCERT (National Council of Educational Research and Training), a certain Khanna from Kanpur, Mrs. Bahl, Bholu and his wife, Srinivas Bhatnagar of Aurobindo Ashram, Taman and Mrs. Taman, Ramesh Sharma who brought the new shawl, V.B. Singh and his wife “Kaddoo” etc.“MAY YOU LIVE LONG, HAPPILY, HEALTHILY, WEALTHILY, PEACEFULLY AND PROSPEROUSLY. MAY ALL GOOD THINGS IN LIFE COME TO YOU! MAY YOU LIVE LONG! MAY YOU LIVE LONG!”This had been the blessing that Shri Nathji had been giving both Pran Nath and Priya Nath ever since the days of their childhood. It was a blessing that was going to sustain them all their lives.