There is a Calendar of 1970 on the wall, directly above Shri Nathji’s bed, which is fairly worn out and even torn at many places. The calendar has a large bust size picture of Shivji, Lord Shanker with a “Tere dar se maagane vaalaa naheen khali gayaa,“No one who prayed to Thee was ever sent away empty,A new life surges through Priya Nath. He had always been afraid – terribly, terribly afraid, that Shri Nathji would crucify His delicate, gentle, body for the sins of the world, and that was why he kept on praying and praying that that should never happen.“O Father, if it be possible, then let this cup, pass away from me, nevertheless not as I willest but as THOU Willest!” And Shri Nathji had added: “But the Divine Will was adamant! Christ had to undergo the terrible pain of crucifixion so that He could join His Father in Heaven!”However, this time the Divine Will had been kind to Priya Nath and saved him from the unbearable agony of seeing Shri Nathji suffer any further.“Goodaa morning! Goodaa morning! Goodaa Morning! Good luck to you! Good luck to you! Good luck to you and Bhayya and to myself! It is all due to your care for me! May you live long! May you live long! May you, I, and Bhayya live long!”Priya Nath knew that it was it was Shri Nathji’s miracle, done expressly for him.